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Bolt Class

Bolt Class - Class 5

Where the magic never stops and the adventure never ends!

Welcome to Bolt Class! One of three Lower School classes at Porchester Junior School.

My name is Miss McMath and I have the pleasure of teaching Year 3&4 this year! 

Year 3&4 is an exciting time for our children to become confident learners. We are excited about delivering all the learning experiences we have planned for the children this year! Please check the page for updates and photographs of Bolt Class hard at work and having fun!

The person behind the name... 

Growing up in a rural town in Jamaica, Usain was a standout cricketer and sprinter from a young age. His school coach noticed his talent, and by age fourteen he was wowing fans with his lightning speed on the track. Due to a medical condition named scolosis, it took Usain time to develop a training routine that worked for him, but by listening to his body and working with professionals, he learnt his strengths and played to them. In 2008 he took the world by storm at the Beijing Olympics when he broke numerous records. The following year he put his name in the history books when he became the 100m and 200m world record holder at the world championships.

Despite the pressure, Usain continued to achieve great things – including starting a foundation to help children achieve their dreams. Usain’s story teaches us that any dream is achievable if you put your mind to it, regardless of what others may say.

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