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Welcome to the Governors section of the website

Our school Governing Body consists of 5 members who come from a wide variety of backgrounds. There are 2 members of staff, 2 elected parents, and 1 person from the wider community.

Each of the Governors who are not members of the school staff, have knowledge of other areas that are not necessarily ‘education’ based and bring their various skills, knowledge and experience to assist in the effective governance of the school for the benefit of all of the children. We also appoint Associate members who are not Governors but appointed for their specific skills or experience.

The Governors take their monitoring role very seriously and work hard to both challenge and support the Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership Team. All meetings are well attended ensuring that all Governors are well aware of the school’s strengths and weaknesses and the best ways forward.

Our Governors are:-


Type of Governor

Term of Office

Area of 

Declaration of business interests *

Winter 2023



Julie Barnard 

Co-opted Governor, Chair


School Improvement Plan, Headteacher appraisal, targeted support



Geoffrey Tucker

Co-opted Governor




None 100%
Amanda Wheldon Parent Governor 01.09.2023-01.09.2027 Children's experience, Marketing and Communications, Governor training None N/A

Vicki Welsby

Head Teacher





Lauren Mintey

Staff Governor



Staff Wellness



* Declarations of business interests are declared annually. Review October 2024

If you are interested in finding out more information about our Governing Body please contact our Chair of Governors.

Julie Barnard (Chair of Governors)

I have been a governor at the school for eight years and have been Chair of Governors since September 2015. I am also a parent governor, I became a parent governor because I had children in the school.

I am the link governor for special educational needs, looked after children, complaints, behaviour achievement and Pupil Premium. 

Currently self employed as a mobile dog groomer, my earlier career involved  working in a national charity as the Director of Strategy and Resources which included financial and project management and human resources.  This experience helps me in the role of governor.

I believe that with staff, parent and community support, Porchester Junior School can become an ‘outstanding’ school where pupils eagerly learn, develop and leave with amazing memories. It is a great privilege to be able to serve as a governor and to assist in making the school a happy and encouraging place for all children to learn and develop to their full potential.

My term of office on the Governing Body will end on 11th June 2026.

Register of business / financial interests (13.3.21): None declared

Governance in other educational settings: none

Attendance 2022/23: 100%