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Upper School

Thursday 28th March 

Good morning, here are the home learning tasks for today’s school closure (28.03.24):

Year 6

Year 6 learning for core subjects has been set on SATs companion. Please message your class teacher if you can’t remember your login details.

Maths – Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Reading – Ada Lovelace

English – Expressing time, place and cause using conjunctions

Year 5

Please follow the links below and find your worksheets in the portfolio section of Class Dojo.

Maths – Watch the video - estimate capacity: and complete the worksheet

Reading – Read the non-fiction text about Giraffes and then answer the comprehension questions on the worksheet

English –  ‘Four Sentence Types’

Read through the slides or watch the teaching video on Oak Academy: Lesson: Four sentence types | KS2 English | Oak National Academy (

Then complete the attached worksheet and quiz. You can type your sentences on your portfolio or write them and upload a photo.

Year 5 & 6 - Science – Think about everything you have learnt about Space this term. Log onto Purple Mash and complete the ‘to-do’ by creating a leaflet all about space. You can use the internet at home to remind yourself about any of our learning. We had lessons on:

  • Planets in the solar system
  • Earth
  • Night and Day
  • Phases of the moon

Please upload your work to your Dojo profile for your teachers to see (this can be sent as a photo if you wish). If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Wednesday 27th March 

Here are the home learning tasks for today’s school closure (27.03.24):

Year 6

Year 6 learning for core subjects has been set on SATs companion. Please message your class teacher if you can’t remember your login details.

Maths – Add and subtract measures

Reading – Cities in my Suitcase

English – Identify adverbs

Year 5

Please follow the links below and find your worksheets in the portfolio section of Class Dojo.

Maths – Watch the video - estimate volume: and complete the worksheet

Reading – Read the text “The Grim Garden” and answer the comprehension questions on the worksheet

English –  Either read through the slides or watch the video from Oak Academy: Lesson: Two types of clause | KS2 English | Oak National Academy (

Complete the worksheet and then write 5 of your own sentences with subordinate clauses. This can be handwritten or typed into your Class Dojo portfolio.

Year 5 & 6 - RE – Please log onto Purple Mash and complete the Easter Research activity that has been set as a ‘to-do’.

Use the internet or the fact sheet attached to find out about different Easter traditions. Fill in the boxes on the poster with images and writing. You could write about any of the following: the cross, the Easter story, the Easter bunny, the tradition of eggs and egg hunts, hot cross buns, the story of Good Friday and the resurrection.

Please upload your work to your Dojo profile for your teachers to see (this can be sent as a photo if you wish). If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Tuesday 26th March

Good morning, here are the home learning tasks for today’s school closure (26.03.24):

Year 6 learning for core subjects has been set on SATs companion. Please message your class teacher if you can’t remember your login details.
- Maths – Solve time problems
- Reading – Climate change
- English – Spelling confusing words

Please follow the links below and find your worksheets in the portfolio section of Class Dojo.
- Maths – compare volume: (see worksheet attached)
- Reading – ‘To whoever finds this’ comprehension (see worksheet attached)
- English – To explore the function of apostrophes

Year 5 & 6 - Enquiry – choose one activity from the ‘creative enquiry home learning’ document (see worksheet attached) for your enquiry learning today 😊

Please upload your work to your Dojo profile for your teachers to see. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.