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Homework Expectations


Your child will be bringing a reading book home to share with you. It would be beneficial if you could continue to listen to your child read aloud, ask them relevant questions about the texts and record any comments in their school planner. The importance of reading at home cannot be underestimated and reading daily will help your child to further develop their literacy skills. Please ensure your child brings their reading book and planner to school every day. 

Children will be awarded with a merit for each time they read at home. Each class will also be running a reading raffle every half term. If your child has read at home at least 5 times per week, and this has been recorded in their planners by an adult, their name will be entered into the raffle. At the end of each half term, one child from each class will be selected to win a prize.


Each week in school, all children will be taught a new spelling rule and expected to learn 10 new spellings linked to this rule. To accompany this learning in school, your child will receive the following weekly homework:

  • A paper sheet with 2 tasks to be completed: look, cover, write, check and an activity such as a cross word.
  • Online practise on Spelling Shed


Each week in school, all children will be set a piece of maths homework linked to their learning in class. This will be set on a Friday and due in the following Friday. Year 6s will have this homework set on  the SATs Companion website: 

We also encourage children to practise their times tables at home and your child has a login for the Times Table Rockstars website to enable them to do this independently.